Source code for motif.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Core methods and base class definitions
import csv
from mir_eval import melody, multipitch
import numpy as np
import os
import six
from sklearn import metrics
import sox
import tempfile as tmp

from .utils import validate_contours, format_contour_data, format_annotation
from .utils import get_snippet_idx, load_annotation

[docs]class Contours(object): '''Class containing information about all contours in a single audio file. Attributes ---------- nums : list Ordered list of contour numbers index_mapping : dict Mapping from contour number to the indices into times/freqs/salience where the contour is active index : array array of contour numbers times : array array of contour times freqs : array array of contour frequencies salience : array array of contour salience values _features : dict Mapping from contour number to computed features. Will not be set until the compute_features method is run _labels : dict Mapping from contour number to computed ground truth labels. _overlaps : dict Mapping from contour number to computed overlap with ground truth _scores : dict Mapping from contour number to computed classifier score ''' def __init__(self, index, times, freqs, salience, sample_rate, audio_filepath=None, audio_duration=None): ''' Parameters ---------- index : np.array Array of contour numbers times : np.array Array of contour times freqs : np.array Array of contour frequencies salience : np.array Array of contour saliences sample_rate : float Contour sample rate. audio_filepath : str or None Path to audio file contours were extracted from ''' validate_contours(index, times, freqs, salience) if audio_filepath is not None and not os.path.exists(audio_filepath): raise IOError("audio_filepath does not exist.") elif audio_filepath is None and audio_duration is None: raise ValueError( "one of audio_filepath or audio_duration must be set.") # contour attributes self.index = index self.times = times self.freqs = freqs self.salience = self._set_salience(salience) self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.audio_filepath = audio_filepath self.audio_duration = audio_duration self.nums = self._compute_nums() self.index_mapping = self._compute_index_mapping() self.duration = self._compute_duration() self.uniform_times = self._compute_uniform_times() def _set_salience(self, salience): '''Set the salience attribute Returns ------- salience : np.array Normalized salience. ''' if len(salience) == 0 or np.max(salience) == 0: return salience else: return salience / np.max(salience) def _compute_nums(self): '''Compute the list of contour index numbers Returns ------- nums : list Sorted list of contour index numbers ''' return sorted(list(set(self.index))) def _compute_index_mapping(self): '''Computes the mapping from contour numbers to indices. Returns ------- index_mapping : dict Mapping from contour numbers to indices. ''' index_mapping = dict.fromkeys(self.nums) for num in self.nums: idxs = np.where(self.index == num)[0] index_mapping[num] = range(idxs[0], idxs[-1] + 1) return index_mapping def _compute_duration(self): '''Compute the duration of the audio file. Returns ------- duration : float Audio file duration ''' if self.audio_duration is not None: return self.audio_duration else: return sox.file_info.duration(self.audio_filepath) def _compute_uniform_times(self): '''Compute array of uniform time stamps at the sample rate Returns ------- uniform_times : np.array Array of uniform time stamps at the sample rate ''' n_stamps = int(np.ceil(self.duration * self.sample_rate)) + 1 uniform_times = np.arange(0, n_stamps) / float(self.sample_rate) return uniform_times
[docs] def contour_times(self, index): '''Get the time stamps for a particular contour number. Parameters ---------- index : int contour number Returns ------- contour_times : array array of contour times ''' return self.times[self.index_mapping[index]]
[docs] def contour_freqs(self, index): '''Get the frequency values for a particular contour number. Parameters ---------- index : int contour number Returns ------- contour_frequencies : array array of contour frequency values ''' return self.freqs[self.index_mapping[index]]
[docs] def contour_salience(self, index): '''Get the salience values for a particular contour number. Parameters ---------- index : int contour number Returns ------- contour_salience : array array of contour salience values ''' return self.salience[self.index_mapping[index]]
[docs] def compute_labels(self, annotation_fpath, overlap_threshold=0.5, single_f0=True): '''Compute overlaps with an annotation and labels for each contour. Parameters ---------- annotation_fpath : str Path to annotation file. overlap_threshold : float, default=0.5 The minimum amount of overlap with the annotation for a contour to be labeled as a positive example; between 0 and 1. ''' if single_f0: annot_times, annot_freqs = load_annotation(annotation_fpath) else: raise NotImplementedError ref_cent, ref_voicing = format_annotation( self.uniform_times, annot_times, annot_freqs ) est_cents, est_voicing = format_contour_data(self.freqs) labels = dict.fromkeys(self.nums) overlaps = dict.fromkeys(self.nums) for i in self.nums: gt_idx = get_snippet_idx(self.contour_times(i), self.uniform_times) this_est_cent, this_est_voicing = melody.resample_melody_series( self.contour_times(i), est_cents[self.index_mapping[i]], est_voicing[self.index_mapping[i]], self.uniform_times[gt_idx] ) overlaps[i] = melody.overall_accuracy( ref_voicing[gt_idx], ref_cent[gt_idx], this_est_voicing, this_est_cent ) labels[i] = 1 * (overlaps[i] > overlap_threshold) labels = np.array([labels[n] for n in self.nums]) overlaps = np.array([overlaps[n] for n in self.nums]) return labels, overlaps
[docs] def to_multif0_format(self): '''Convert contours to multi-f0 format. Returns ------- times : np.array uniform time stamps freqs : list of lists Each row has the form [time, freq1, freq2, ...] Each row may have any number of frequencies. ''' n_uniform_times = len(self.uniform_times) freqs = [[] for i in range(n_uniform_times)] time_idx = np.round(self.times * self.sample_rate).astype(int) time_idx[time_idx >= n_uniform_times] = n_uniform_times - 1 for i, freq in zip(time_idx, self.freqs): freqs[i].append(freq) freqs = [np.array(f).astype(float) for f in freqs] return self.uniform_times, freqs
[docs] def coverage(self, annotation_fpath, single_f0=True): """ Compute how much the set of contours covers the annotation Parameters ---------- annotation_fpath : str Path to annotation file. single_f0 : bool True for a file containing a single pitch per time stamp False for a file containing possibly multiple pitches / time stamp Returns ------- scores : dict Dictionary of mutlipitch scores. """ est_times, est_freqs = self.to_multif0_format() if single_f0: ref_times, ref_freqs = load_annotation( annotation_fpath, n_freqs=1, to_array=False, rm_zeros=True ) else: ref_times, ref_freqs = load_annotation( annotation_fpath, n_freqs=None, to_array=False, rm_zeros=True ) scores = multipitch.evaluate( ref_times, ref_freqs, est_times, est_freqs ) return scores
[docs] def save_contours_subset(self, output_fpath, output_nums): '''Save extracted contours where `score >= threshold` to a csv file. Parameters ---------- output_fpath : str Path to save output csv file. output_nums : list List of contour numbers to save ''' target_indices = [] for num in output_nums: target_indices.extend(self.index_mapping[num]) with open(output_fpath, 'w') as fhandle: writer = csv.writer(fhandle, delimiter=',') writer.writerows(zip( self.index[target_indices], self.times[target_indices], self.freqs[target_indices], self.salience[target_indices] ))
[docs] def save(self, output_fpath): '''Save extracted contours to a csv file. Parameters ---------- output_fpath : str Path to save output csv file. ''' with open(output_fpath, 'w') as fhandle: writer = csv.writer(fhandle, delimiter=',') writer.writerows(zip( self.index, self.times, self.freqs, self.salience ))
############################################################################### CONTOUR_EXTRACTOR_REGISTRY = {} # All available extractors
[docs]class MetaContourExtractor(type): """Meta-class to register the available extractors.""" def __new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict): cls = type.__new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict) # Register classes that inherit from the base class ContourExtractors if "ContourExtractor" in [base.__name__ for base in bases]: CONTOUR_EXTRACTOR_REGISTRY[cls.get_id()] = cls return cls
[docs]class ContourExtractor(six.with_metaclass(MetaContourExtractor)): """This class is an interface for all the contour extraction algorithms included in motif. Each extractor must inherit from it and implement the following method: - ``compute_contours`` Additionally, two private helper functions are provided: - ``preprocess`` - ``postprocess`` These are meant to do common tasks for all the extractors and they should be called inside the process method if needed. Some methods may call a binary in the background, which creates a csv file. The csv file is loaded into memory and the file is deleted, unless ``clean=False``. When ``recompute=False``, this will first look for an existing precomputed contour file and if successful will load it directly. """ def __init__(self): self.audio_channels = 1 self.audio_bitdepth = 32 self.audio_db_level = -3.0 @property def audio_samplerate(self): """Property to get the sample rate of the output contours""" raise NotImplementedError("This property must return the sample rate " "of the output contours.") @property def sample_rate(self): """Property to get the sample rate of the output contours""" raise NotImplementedError("This property must return the sample rate " "of the output contours.") @property def min_contour_len(self): """Property to get the minimum length of a contour in seconds""" raise NotImplementedError("This property must return the minimum " "contour length in seconds.") @classmethod
[docs] def get_id(cls): """Method to get the id of the extractor type""" raise NotImplementedError("This method must return a string identifier" " of the contour extraction type")
[docs] def compute_contours(self, input_filepath): """Method for computing features for given file""" raise NotImplementedError("This method must contain the actual " "implementation of the contour extraction")
def _preprocess_audio(self, audio_filepath, normalize_format=True, normalize_volume=True, hpss=False, equal_loudness_filter=False): '''Preprocess audio before computing contours Parameters ---------- normalize : bool If True, normalize the audio hpss : bool If True, applies HPSS & computes contours on the harmonic compoment equal_loudness_filter : bool If True, applies an equal loudness filter to the audio ''' tfm = sox.Transformer() if normalize_format: tfm.convert( samplerate=self.audio_samplerate, n_channels=self.audio_channels, bitdepth=self.audio_bitdepth ) if normalize_volume: tfm.norm(db_level=self.audio_db_level) output_path = tmp.mktemp('.wav'), output_path) if hpss: raise NotImplementedError if equal_loudness_filter: raise NotImplementedError return output_path def _postprocess_contours(self, index, times, freqs, salience): """Remove contours that are too short. Parameters ---------- index : np.array array of contour numbers times : np.array array of contour times freqs : np.array array of contour frequencies salience : np.array array of contour salience values Returns ------- index_pruned : np.array Pruned array of contour numbers times_pruned : np.array Pruned array of contour times freqs_pruned : np.array Pruned array of contour frequencies salience_pruned : np.array Pruned array of contour salience values """ keep_index = np.ones(times.shape).astype(bool) for i in set(index): this_idx = (index == i) if np.ptp(times[this_idx]) <= self.min_contour_len: keep_index[this_idx] = False return (index[keep_index], times[keep_index], freqs[keep_index], salience[keep_index]) def _sort_contours(self, index, times, freqs, salience): """Sort contours by index and time. Parameters ---------- index : np.array array of contour numbers times : np.array array of contour times freqs : np.array array of contour frequencies salience : np.array array of contour salience values Returns ------- index_sorted : np.array Pruned array of contour numbers times_sorted : np.array Pruned array of contour times freqs_sorted : np.array Pruned array of contour frequencies salience_sorted : np.array Pruned array of contour salience values """ sort_idx = np.lexsort((times, index)) return ( index[sort_idx], times[sort_idx], freqs[sort_idx], salience[sort_idx] )
############################################################################### FEATURE_EXTRACTOR_REGISTRY = {} # All available classifiers
[docs]class MetaFeatureExtractor(type): """Meta-class to register the available contour features.""" def __new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict): cls = type.__new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict) # Register classes that inherit from the base class FeatureExtractor if "FeatureExtractor" in [base.__name__ for base in bases]: FEATURE_EXTRACTOR_REGISTRY[cls.get_id()] = cls return cls
[docs]class FeatureExtractor(six.with_metaclass(MetaFeatureExtractor)): """This class is an interface for all the feature extraction combinations included in motif. Each feature set must inherit from it and implement the following methods: - ``get_feature_vector`` This should return a flat numpy array - ``feature_names`` This should return a list of the same length as the above numpy array of what each dimension is. Can be as simple as an index, can be identfiers such as ['vibrato rate', 'vibrato extent'] """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def get_feature_vector(self, times, freqs, salience, sample_rate): """Method for computing features for a given contour""" raise NotImplementedError("This method must contain the actual " "implementation of the contour feautres")
@property def feature_names(self): """Set the array of features names.""" raise NotImplementedError("This method must create and return a list " "of feature names, the same length as the" "feature vector.") @classmethod
[docs] def get_id(cls): """Method to get the id of the feature type""" raise NotImplementedError("This method must return a string identifier" "of the feature type")
[docs] def compute_all(self, ctr): """ Compute features for all contours. Parameters ---------- ctr : Contour Instance of Contour object Returns ------- features : np.array [n_contours, n_features] Feature matrix, ordered by contour number """ features = [] for i in ctr.nums: if len(ctr.index_mapping[i]) > 0: feature_vector = self.get_feature_vector( ctr.contour_times(i), ctr.contour_freqs(i), ctr.contour_salience(i), ctr.sample_rate ) features.append(feature_vector) return np.array(features)
############################################################################### CONTOUR_CLASSIFIER_REGISTRY = {} # All available classifiers
[docs]class MetaContourClassifier(type): """Meta-class to register the available classifiers.""" def __new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict): cls = type.__new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict) # Register classes that inherit from the base class ContourClassifier if "ContourClassifier" in [base.__name__ for base in bases]: CONTOUR_CLASSIFIER_REGISTRY[cls.get_id()] = cls return cls
[docs]class ContourClassifier(six.with_metaclass(MetaContourClassifier)): """This class is an interface for all the contour classifier algorithms included in motif. Each classifer must inherit from it and implement the following methods: - ``predict`` - ``fit`` - ``threshold`` ``threshold`` should return a float whose determines the positive class threshold (e.g. ``score >= threshold`` : positive class, ``score < threshold`` : negative class) """ def __init__(self): pass @property def threshold(self): """Property for setting threshold between classes""" raise NotImplementedError("This method most return a float that " "indicates the score cutoff between the " "positive and negative class.")
[docs] def predict(self, X): """Method for predicting labels from input""" raise NotImplementedError("This method must contain the actual " "implementation of the prediction")
[docs] def fit(self, X, Y): """Method for fitting the model""" raise NotImplementedError("This method must contain the actual " "implementation of the model fitting")
[docs] def get_id(cls): """Method to get the id of the extractor type""" raise NotImplementedError("This method must return a string identifier" " of the contour extraction type")
[docs] def score(self, y_predicted, y_target, y_prob=None): """ Compute metrics on classifier predictions Parameters ---------- y_predicted : np.array [n_samples] Predicted class labels y_target : np.array [n_samples] Target class labels y_prob : np.array [n_samples] or None, default=None predicted probabilties. If None, auc is not computed Returns ------- scores : dict dictionary of scores for the following metrics: accuracy, matthews correlation coefficient, precision, recall, f1, support, confusion matrix, auc score """ labels = set(y_target) labels.update(y_predicted) is_binary = len(labels) <= 2 scores = {} scores['accuracy'] = metrics.accuracy_score(y_target, y_predicted) if is_binary: scores['mcc'] = metrics.matthews_corrcoef(y_target, y_predicted) else: scores['mcc'] = None (scores['precision'], scores['recall'], scores['f1'], scores['support']) = metrics.precision_recall_fscore_support( y_target, y_predicted ) scores['confusion matrix'] = metrics.confusion_matrix( y_target, y_predicted, labels=list(labels) ) if y_prob is not None: scores['auc score'] = metrics.roc_auc_score( y_target, y_prob + 1, average='weighted' ) else: scores['auc score'] = None return scores
############################################################################### CONTOUR_DECODER_REGISTRY = {} # All available decoders
[docs]class MetaContourDecoder(type): """Meta-class to register the available decoders.""" def __new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict): cls = type.__new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict) # Register classes that inherit from the base class ContourDecoder if "ContourDecoder" in [base.__name__ for base in bases]: CONTOUR_DECODER_REGISTRY[cls.get_id()] = cls return cls
[docs]class ContourDecoder(six.with_metaclass(MetaContourDecoder)): """This class is an interface for all the contour decoder algorithms included in motif. Each decoder must inherit from it and implement the following methods: - ``decode`` - ``get_id`` """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def decode(self, ctr, Y): """ Decode the output of the contour classifier. Parameters ---------- ctr : Contours An instance of a Contours object Y : np.array [n_contours] Predicted contour scores. Returns ------- times : np.ndarray Array of time stamps freqs : np.ndarray Array of f0 values in Hz """ raise NotImplementedError("This method must contain the actual " "implementation of the decoder.")
[docs] def get_id(cls): """Method to get the id of the decoder type""" raise NotImplementedError("This method must return a string identifier" " of the contour decoder type")